Dear Parent,
At QCSS, we want to do our very best to support your child`s learning and development. As part of this process, we need to build strong links between the staff and the QCSS parents. We offer all of our students a home visit, which usually takes place at the beginning of each school year.
What does it involve?
Two staff from QCSS will come to your home at a time approved by you. They will spend about 20 minutes with you and your child to get some feedback in a less formal setting. They will share some information about QCSS and the kinds of things that your child will do while they are with us.
How does a home visit help?
Many teachers around the country are making visits outside of their schools to get to know families better. A home visit can really help your child settle quickly and easily into QCSS. It gives students a familiar face to look out for when they start the school year. During the visit, we can get to know a little bit more about your child as an individual. We also hope that home visits will make parents more comfortable to ask questions.